Comments : A Cutter's Anthem

  • 19 years ago

    by Gir_lette_420

    wow! that is a really good poem! i would give it to my friend as a b-day gift if her b-day hadn't already passed. cuz she's like the person who stares at me and my arms, and hates who i am. but that's one of my favorites! read some of mine when you have the chance! keep up the good work! :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Renee

    umm wow. I'm not usually one to read and like cutting poems, but this was great. I am en ex-cutter myself. It seems to describe all the feelings one feels when in that situation. I really like the way you repeated the chorus. it's so wrong, cutting, but this song just seems so right. but try to put it in a song format maybe.

    Take Care,

  • 19 years ago

    by Polly

    I liked this, but i thought it would be so much better as a song. The chorus was good, and I liked the way it was repeated. Keep up the writing, and i hope you succeed in making it into a song.
    - Polly

  • 19 years ago

    by BleedingAngel

    I really enjoyed reading this poem!! I use to cut myself every day really bad, but now I try really hard to stop, the hardest thing I ever had to do...I relate so much to this, hope that you are okay?? I loved the way you repeated it...Great job =0)

    Much Love Sabrina

  • 19 years ago

    by Allison

    That was awsome. I think that it said a lot. You are very talented. Keep up the good work. *5/5*

  • 19 years ago

    by Juls

    Well done I like it alot. You caught what"cutters" or "ex-cutters" feel like I think..I dont know if you know because of experience but either way it was great. Just alittle spelling error though:
    "...Somehow my blood poring out of a cut brings me happiness"
    I think you mean pouring not poring.

    Keep up the great work though.and good luck with the song.

  • 19 years ago

    by Emma

    Coming from someone who used to cut it was amazing. i think you hit every feeling involed. great write.
    Emma 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Bridgette

    Wow this was really good. I'm not a cutter nor have I ever been one, but I think this is really good. It would make a great song. Great job!

  • 18 years ago

    by Kaylee

    I'm not a cutter nor do I like reading poems on the subject but I know that cutting poems aren't just about that but mnaybe lonliness and needing understanding maybe. But I don't know if love poem section was right to put it.

  • 18 years ago

    by Kaylee

    Oops sorry it was slang. my mistake lol

  • 18 years ago

    by Natalie

    This was really good! I can relate to it alot! I really enjoyed reading it! Keep it up 5/5

    luv natalie x-x

  • 18 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    That was straightforward and to the point, not cover ups there. I am a cutter, I wish I could say I was an ex cutter but seeing as I just cut yesterday, that really wouldn't work. I thought I was really good, but a bit lengthy, Maybe you might want to add the chorus after every two verses instead of every one? Just a thought. I wish I could hear it to music.

    -Tainted Mikochan

  • 18 years ago

    by Sole

    I liked the concept - the song was very long though, like ^ I think the chorus should be after every two verses instead of just one.

    Peace. [Sole]