Why can't you understand?
That I can never be,
The way you expect,
It's impossible you see.
I can't be perfect,
And I don't want to be,
Cuz if I were,
It would be boring to me.
Each and every person,
Are created in a special way,
And by making mistakes,
It brings a new surprise everyday.
If I were a saint,
What fun could I be?
Never making a mistake or being wrong,
I would not be happy.
Don't you understand,
I can never be perfect,
I can never be,
The way you expect.
Dear Daddy,
I'm sorry,
I could only ever try ..........
Until the day I die.
**this obviously is dedicated to my dad cuz everyday ......... every second ....... he always annoys me ~n~ wants me to do everything perfect ~n~ sh*t but what he doesn't understand is that ..... no matter what he does or how hard he tries ...... I'll never be perfect**
**~n~ I don't think that this should be under poems about life but i wasn't exactly sure where to place it ... so yeah**