Is This The Way You Feel?

by Sparklylipgloss   Jul 16, 2005

The streetlight is dull, flickering in and out..
It is to quiet, and not a car has greeted me with its presence..
I feel as if the darkness, has swallowed me whole..
The image of you, is never fading a way, but falling gracefully..
The thoughts of you however, remain distinctly the same..
I keep looking behind me, as if something is cascading down there..
But the only thing that lerks is the feeling that you are near..
I take a final look, nothing is there, but yet another cold empty room..
But read the breathes I take, words will flow out like perfect poetry..
Today, I stepped outside, and this time I cried in the rain..
Every rain drop fell to the pattern of my voice, saying your name aloud all alone..
I become one with the sky, as if lifts me up to hevan..
The day that this day is, is therfore the day that I die..

By: Me (comments please)


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  • 18 years ago

    by Allie

    This is rly good lizzzaaayy.

    imagrey was really good. it painted a pic in my mind at least.

    i love you grapefruit. mwah.

  • 18 years ago

    by Megan

    That wuz much imagery...ur a really good writer...

    and thanx for de comment

  • 19 years ago

    by kersh

    That was simply discriptive, i saw it!

  • Woah, another beautiful work of art. Painted a picture in my mind... i especially liked
    "But read the breathes I take, words will flow out like perfect poetry.."

    simply gorgeous

  • 19 years ago

    by stephyG

    hey!! great work i really liked this poem! mwAz.. FanX 4DA commEnt... keep on wriTting u aRE so talentEd! StephY :):)