Ugly Duckling

by Becca   Jul 17, 2005

I once was an ugly duckling,
Fat and weird,
I had really short hair like a boy,
An glasses that were to big,
I was made fun of everyday,
For my ugly ugly looks,
But after that 7th grade summer,
I came back with a new face,
And thats all it really took,
People were being nice to me,
And boys would say I'm hot,
I'm not used to hearing this,
So ill say I'm not,
I'm not used to getting all these comments,
On how i got so pretty,
Now that I think about it,
Its such a pity,
That the only reason why most of these people like me is because of how I look,
If I looked like I did before,
They would've been scared and shook,
Because I was big,
But I want you to know,
That if you think you're ugly,
Think twice cause you might be an ugly duckling now but in a year or two you may be a swan...


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  • this is a very inspiring poem...and it especially mean a whole to me because i nearly developed an eating disorder...well, good job and keep it up!

    *by da way, could you pls check out my poem, la la land? thx so much!!

    love ya!