Two sides of me

by Emily   Jul 17, 2005


that things with my mom are going good
i don't care my step dad goes through my room
that it don't bother me being punk living in the ghetto neighbor hood
that I'm not gonna be dead soon


like I'm happy
that my smiles are not fake
this is who i wanna be
this life i don't wanna take


my mom doesn't care for what i do
i hate it when he goes through my room i have nothing to hide
why did we move by the hookers what you want me to be one too?
hate and life in my life will always collide


I'm not happy at all
I'm actually wearing a frown
i cant be anything i already took that fall
everythings bring my self esteem down

i pretend to be something I'm not
i pretend to have a good life
the real me thinks life isn't that Hott
the real me only sees that knife


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  • 19 years ago

    by NannO

    i lykd this one.. i mean, i cud see ur thoughts thru the lines.. i jus wanna tell ya that since ur writing bout the "real u" u shud write down things that ARE u.. lyk things in u.. not wat other people do to u.. the real u shud be lyk, happy, sad, down.. jus lyk the second stanaza of "the real me", not the first one.. also.. i think it wud be better if u remove "in my life" in : "hate and life in my life will always collide" to avoid repetition.. lyk maybe u cud say: hate and life, for me, will always collide, or smthn like that (depends on ur own writer's style..
    i really lyk ur last stanza.. it gave ur poem a lot more meaning and it sorta summarized wat exactly u wanted to say
    keep writing

  • 19 years ago

    by pag

    that's really a good poem, i feel so bad for you that you have to go threw that. but life will get better in the future if you don't dwell on the now or the past. anyways really good job! and thanks for commenting i'll email ya sometime.

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