When I Say...

by eternal rest   Jul 18, 2005

When I say good-bye
Do you realize that it could be for forever?

Why do you always take me for granted?
Don’t you know that any day now,
I won’t wake up
From my childish sleep?

I say good night,
It might be for always.
This foolish dream I’ve been living
Could be ended quicker than you know.

Maybe I lied when I said
“I’ll see you later.”
Maybe you wont see me again
For the rest of your pathetic days.

Stop taking me for granted.
I wont always be here, you know.
But for now,
Its good-bye,
Until later.


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by troubled

    i think this poem is more then 'its alright' i think its awesome! lol really i do..i like it alot. keep it up! 5/5


  • 19 years ago

    by eternal rest

    whats alright? the poem? i know. but you've gotta be more spacific with me... ive got too much going on in my head to have a reply of "its alright"

  • 19 years ago

    by Emma Carnage

    GASP! me likey!! i will NOT take you for granted. I LOVE YOU SOUPY!