The Monster, His Wife, And Daughter

by gasping for air   Jul 18, 2005

She pulls her knees to her chest,
watching the monster beat her mommy.
The same monster who helped make her,
the same monster she called daddy.

As he let her mommy fall to the floor,
her pulse quickened.
He raised his gaze and her trembling,
it caught his eye.

Scared she screamed and ran,
she ran out of the room and then the house.
The same house she had been born in,
the same house she had called home.

Halfway down the driveway she stumbled,
and heard his evil laughter.
Asking herself who he had turned into,
she picked herself back up and kept running.

But no matter how fast she ran,
She couldn't get the laughter out of her head.
The same laughter she had heard before,
the same laughter her mommy had heard.

While she was running the rain started,
Soaking her to the bone in no time.
Even that couldn't drive the thoughts away,
the thoughts of her mommy lying on the floor.

The minute she stopped running,
a truck pulled up to her.
The same truck that had taken her mommy to the hospital,
the same truck her daddy drove.

He pulled her into the front seat beside him,
and slapped her cheek, leaving a red print.
Their ride to the house was silent,
she prayed that he wouldn't hurt her again.

Her prayer wasn't answered,
so she decided to take things into her own hands.
A few days later her mommy found her,
hanging from a sheet in the corner of her room.

She had left a note, to ease her mother,
but instead if made her distraught.
Distraught enough to hang beside her daughter,
but she left no note.


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  • 19 years ago

    by DevilWithin

    I really loved this one it's so very well writtena and very nice detail and useage of words. 10/10

  • Wow thats so sad!! powerful and well writen though. keep up the good work, luv courtie

  • 19 years ago

    by kida

    That was a gr8 poem but im sorry if something along those lines has happened 2 u or sum 1 u no it is really sad. plz read and comment on sum of mine.

  • 19 years ago

    by Atomic

    You've done an excellent job on this poem. It kinda remind me of the poem I written myself and for some reason, I heart reading sad poems. =(

    My favourite line in the whole poem, that changes everything was:

    "The minute she stopped running,
    a truck pulled up to her.
    The same truck that had taken her mommy to the hospital,
    the same truck her daddy drove."

    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • 19 years ago

    by Anna

    This poem reminded me of my childhood.
    It was really well writen.

    5/5 from me to you.

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