Lost Hearts

by Kimmi   Jul 18, 2005

Lost Hearts

Lost hearts often go astray
Alone in darkness day by day.
Slowly then, light fades to black
Closed eyes tight.
No turning back.

The world is dim, dark, and cold
This lonely heart, you cannot hold.
Won't reach out, can never be,
Can't care again, just apathy.

So walk on by
Just go away.
My dead heart weeps
Each dawning day.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Natalie84

    Aaww that's sad! I'm sure many will beable to relate to this. Nicely done! Another nice write! I'm enjoying your poetry!!

  • 19 years ago

    by dArKgOtHiCgIrL

    thats very deep. great work