Comments : Mommy’s Tears

  • 19 years ago

    by facedownindirt

    omg! yay i love it! its so true...and as a matter of fact tahts what i think... my perents are haveing some trubles and i dont no who to blam... but offten i hear my name in there fights... but anywasy i loves this poem keep writing e-mail me!

  • 19 years ago

    by NannO

    i enjoyed reading it.. i loved the rhythm and it had gr8 flow.. its so true how children blame themselves 4 a lot of things that happen around them.. i hope evry parent who reads this thinks bak 2 their kid/s and c wat they can do.. gr8 message
    keep writing

  • 19 years ago

    by RachelAnne

    my parents tell me that i was an accident so im pretty much to blame!
    -Rachel 5/5 anyways

  • 19 years ago

    by kate

    Omg the poem is soooooooooooo kool but sad but excellant it flows so well and i like it lots well done excellant work

  • 19 years ago

    by ~Fallen Angel~

    5/5. Thats poems it so true. Parents are often to caught up in their world and things that they don't take the time to really think how effecting the kid and to talk to them about whats going on...I really liked this poem..I think you said what needed to be said

  • 19 years ago

    by Michelle

    You're right... its not your fault... its never the child's fault.. i know its hard.. my parents are divorced too.

    if you ever need anyone to listen, i will always be here for you.

    lots of love & hugs, always,
