Stepbrother passes the line

by Leesandra   Jul 21, 2005

This poem is true!!! I know its long!!! It will mean a lot if u commented!!!

Ever felt taken advantage of and used,
Well I have but by my older stepbrother,
He was nice and a good friend,
But he wanted me to keep a secret from my mother,

At first I did not know,
Until he opened his mouth,
\"You interest me as a women,\"
Thats when my mouth dropped south,

Fear ran threw my body,
i did not know what to do,
He pressured me to say what i felt,
But my mind had no clue,

I wish I would have never went,
The scare is too hard to express,
I wished it would have never happened,
Right now I am a reckless mess,

He tells me to act the same way,
I just wanted to burst in tears,
He rubbed my cheek making me feel uncomfortable,
I just wanted to forget my fears,

The next day I received a missed call,
It was him but i did not pick up,
He should have never tried to reach me,
What he did was really messed up,

Its going be hard to trust men now,
Especially and older perverted butt hole,
All they want is to come in you,
And steal your shinning soul,

Never trust a quite older man,
Especially if your infants,
You never know what their thinking,
They just might try to take your innocents!!!


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