Just sorry

by latin girl   Jul 22, 2005

Sorry for being happy or pretending to be
Sorry that I don't complain
Sorry that I try to not think about things so they don't bother me
Sorry that don't show my true feelings
Sorry for being outgoing
Sorry for the way I deal with things
Sorry that I smile a lot
Sorry that I laugh
Sorry that I try to find something optimistic when noone else does
Sorry that unlike your friends I'm not down on myself
Sorry that I have strong opinions
Sorry that I like to do my own thing
Sorry that I don't do the whole drama thing
Just sorry for being me

Idunno what this is . I just needed to put it here. ugh.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Darien

    Hmm.. not very poetic, but I respect your writing.

  • 18 years ago

    by Brittany C

    Excellent poem. I can relate.5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by master of shadow

    I like this, though the flow struggles a little the content s expresive and says a lot.

    well done

  • 19 years ago

    by the middle

    i agree with lisa... but i like it. it's bold!
    good work!

  • 19 years ago


    you dont gotta be sorry just show those people that they gotta grow up.

    this poem is good but could work on the flow a little bit.

    well done
