Do You Really Love Me

by quietlybreaking   Jul 23, 2005

Do you really love me,
do you really want whats best for me,
or what suits you the most.

I want to die,
i want to end it all,
because life no longer has a place for me,
and death welcomes me with open arms,
but you wont let me die.

You wont let me die,
you keep fighting the inevitable,
fighting my one and only wish,
do you really love me,
do you really want me to be happy,
or do you just want me,
stuck in a pointless life,
so that you can feel good about yourself.

You brag that you saved someone from suicide,
but you really made their life a living hell,
you stopped them from their only comfort,
the end.

Do you really love me,
the answer is yes i know,
but you also want what you want,
more than what would make me happy.

So here i am,
all alone,
with people all around me,
to keep me busy,
to keep my mind off,
what we all know will happen,
whether tomorrow,
or in two years time,
no matter what you say,
i will end it,
one day, someday.


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  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    Nice poem but don't end your life...plz...i need you here...i'm so sad...out of time...gotta get some tired...i'll check others tomorrow.