Dear You,
Wow, it's impossible to write this letter.
I have never told you I love you because it's so hard to do and I never thought I could.
I have fallen in love with you every summer.
But this summer, the love has stayed.
Over the year...
I still longed for you. I
lost my concentration, remembering the times we had...
We sat under the trees.
Layed in each other's arms.
Talking about everything.
I thought you loved me back...
Until that told me about /her/.
Was I just there for support?
Were you using me?
Or, worst of all, was I just a friend?
My love for you hasn't changed. I hope that you remember forever that I loved you.
Love Always and Forever,
**Kay, this is just a letter to someone. No rhyming, no nothing, but oh well! I dont care!**