
by Lynda   Jul 24, 2005

You have torn me apart more than once
You never listen to me, and make me feel like a dunce.
It just is not fair! I try to do what you ask
Each endless difficult of pointless task.
It hurts me deeply when you scream and yell
But never at my sister whose natural job is to tell.
This constant verbal abuse gives me great pain
By the time I leave I may be dubbed legally insane.
My sister always lies, screams and throws fits
So I sit in my room and tell myself my life is the pits.
When I try to do nice things, it is always done wrong
Then again, EVERYTHING I do is always wrong!
I'm sorry I'm not perfect, what do you want me to do?
I always try my best, I can't live just like you.
My sister was born perfect, so why wasn't I?
When I think about my worthless qualities I cry.
My sister gets compliments by being pretty and smart
When I don't get the same reaction it breaks my heart.
But one day I will get their compliments out loud
And on that very day make them all proud.
By the time I do that my plan will fall apart
Then I will have to begin again, a brand new start.
My means of motivation well be wishes over years
But I know in my heart they will be nothing but tears.
I can't stand this house, I wanna leave this pain
But where would I go with just me and my name.
I guess it is not so bad, so I will stay for a while
And keep on living with my small fake smile.


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