What happened mum?

by ..::Angel of your darkness::..   Jul 25, 2005

What happened mum?
Why do you know longer care?
I know sometimes you wish
That I wasn’t there

What happened mum?
Do you prefer Alicia to me?
Cause you always take the p1$$
Just to make her happy

What happened mum?
Have I done something wrong?
When was the last time we where together
Cause it seems to me so long

What happened mum?
Am I not good enough for you?
Cause when I succeed you don’t notices
Unless I fail.. Then you always do

What happened mum?
Why are you out every night?
How come we can’t talk anymore
Without an argument or fight

I remember mum
When we use to play
We’d always make worth
Of every day

I remember mum
If I ever use to cry
You’d always be there for me
To try and make me smile

But now mum
You don’t know when I cry
You never understand me
You don’t know what goes on inside

So why mum?
What did I do?
Cause you don’t seem to like me
Even though I still love you


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by LisaMarie

    Aww that's really sad but well done on creating something so wonderful from a tough situation.

  • 19 years ago

    by M MEM

    this one really hit me. im sorta going through the same thing

  • 19 years ago

    by lostlllsoul

    nicely written poem
    the flow is good
    i went through that in some part of my life too but im glad i didnt give up
    its a great poem
    your a great writter =)
    hold on and stay strong okay
    if u could , check out my poems
    take cares

  • 19 years ago

    by B4BY BLU3 X

    Awww :( Thats sad! I'm sorry that this is happening to u...But its ok, cuz my mum can be a bit of a B|I|T|C|H sometimes too...If you read my poem called 'Mum' you'll know what I mean. But seriously, I think u should give this poem to ur mum if its really bothering u. And btw thankz for the comment on my poems, it means a lot. Thankz, take care x

  • 19 years ago

    by Iyla

    o man, that is terribly saddening, i really hope that's not true, but if it is darling, im so very sorry, and i hope you make it through. great poem, def. a 5/5, take care.
    Always, <3333 xoxo

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