
by LonelyNightsHurt   Jul 26, 2005

Suicidal thoughts. run through my head again
I'm sick of wanting something, and having to pretend
I'm crying all alone, screaming from within
I'm sorry if Ive hurt you. sorry for my sin
I'm sick of being a disappointment
I'm sick of having to cry
the only way to escape this s h i t
is to simply die
to run the blade across my wrists
blood un spills from unclenched fists
it stains my sheets my wrists sting and burn
a lesson in life, i will not learn
was this my destiny, this is what i choose
this is my life
its me thats going to lose


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  • 15 years ago

    by StephanieMichelle

    I really really like this poem. It's kind of personal to me. I know what it feels like to be suicidal... Great poem. 5/5

  • Hey grear poem, i love it its great! i know what it feels to be in this position love mel

  • 18 years ago

    by Benny Boi

    Great poems brit...keep it up, write a book or something with nutt'n but poems, your really good at it

  • 19 years ago

    by b r i d g e t

    Awww dat poems really good
    kinda scary how much i can realte to it
    thnk u 4 ya coment on my poem
    if u eva wanna chat my msn is
    love bridget

  • 19 years ago

    by seattleskiess

    Hey this poem is really touching... i know what your keep up the good work and keep the faith..
    ♥ B r i a n n a