Today when I saw you
I didn't recognize you
I did not see you sad and crying
But I saw you happy and smiling
With out a worry in my heart
With out a frown or a thought
Of that one other person
And almost tore us all apart.
I saw you today, and felt a feeling
One I barley remember.
Do you remember that feeling?
‘Cause all you have to do is look back and remember
Remember when we used to hang out
Hang out with out worry about what the future had to bring,
Or take
Or even those days
When we would all walk to practice,
And be like 5 minutes late.
Remember those days?
I do.
I remember those days…
Sometimes when I’m down…
And they always manage to turn my frown upside down
But those memories
As powerful as they are
Could easily turn a thunderstorm around
Just like this year
When we all shared our fears
And all shed tears
Yet there was a rainbow
For every tear
Every last tear that we shed this year
And now any other time I see a shed tear
I recall those memories
From this past year
****This poem is for all my good friends that i made this year. and the memories we made together. that one other person might have put up a fight but we all came through standing strong.****