Xox I'm over you xox

by ..::Angel of your darkness::..   Jul 26, 2005

Day one
Didn't know what to do
Thought it was a mistake
Purposefully losing you

Day 5
I cried all night
Thinking and writing about you
Until the sky became light

Week one
Pushed you out of my mind
Was struggling to forget
When you where mine

Day 13
Thought I had recovered
That didn't last long
When you mentioned a new lover

But it didn't take long
To realize I didn't mind
That it didn't bother me
That you weren't mine

Because there are no more lies
No other girls
All those problems have gone
Now your out of my world

I packed up your things
They went far under my bed
I looked at my new lover
And he pushed you out of my head

My days became brighter
Now I’m happy all the time
Yeah I miss you slightly
But that’s kept locked inside

I’m with somebody new now
Have been for quite awhile
They’ve turned my world around
And all I can do is smile

It’s up to you whether we’re friends
I don’t mind what you say or do
Because now I know for sure
That I’m finally over you


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  • 19 years ago

    by Nay

    That poems was the best i've ever read on here

  • 19 years ago

    by PoeticMystery


    This poem was grt. Im glad you're finally over him. I know it took time! Well keep writing cause you have grt potential.


  • 19 years ago

    by Knoxy

    Hey, this is really good...i hope that one day i get to this point...*hugz* thanx, this really made me think...keep on writing and take care..
    ~Luv Alwayz Knoxy

  • 19 years ago

    by purple pixie stix

    that poem is a really good one. that one expresses how i feel toward someone else. he broke my heart and made me cry. but now im woth my new man and i love him until the day i die.

  • 19 years ago

    by Just me

    This poem is amazing... I cant say i relate because i have yet to get over my first love..but keep it up! Take care!

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