Ever After

by Christopher Cole   Jul 26, 2005

Once upon a time
far deep in the woods
there lived a boy named Tim
who had all the goods

He met a girl name Hannah
who fell in love with him at first sight
they talked and talked
and was with each other left and right

Their kisses brought butterflies
and their hugs brought stars
the love that they had
was closed behind bars

Then one day something happened
and it drove them apart
the boy and girl went their separate ways
tearing the other out their heart

A lonely life was being lived by them both
one was a little bit poor with nothing to lose
and one had everything
but drank boos

The loneliness finally came to them
and then they wanted back what they had
hey searched for each other out in the deep woods
the girl came across him
and said I want back your goods

They couldn't believe what was going on
staying up that night they saw what was right
into each others eyes they did look
all through the night

Passion sprung a leak
and filled the air with love
the beautiful sky was gleaming
with beautiful stuff

Love was once again in the air to stay
a happy life of love and care
was true to be
and now they are married with nothing too bare


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  • 19 years ago

    by AnAstAciA

    Wow! I love it:)
    5/5 Great job Keep it up!!!!
    *check mine if you wan and tell me wha you think
    Take carez