How can you say you love me,
when you take it out like this?
I am not a monster you know, I am only human!
Then why can you hurt me so?
I do not regret most of what I did,
Only knowing this side of you.
How can you prove me a liar when I still feel the same?
Say anything you want of me, but I will always remain.
You say you still love me, but how do I know you loved at all?
Where my heart once beat, only a black hole lies there now.
I have hit a new low...
I'm sick of all the pain,
Sick of all the anger
The bottom of the barrel, tumbling along my way
Hoping you can resuce me some day
For now I just lay here,
Crying over my worst fear.
I will never see that sweet smile now,
for it is sour as they come
Or to tell you I love you,
for now you think it's a lie.
You feel in love with a dream,
Now I am your worst nightmare.
Sheding all my tears once more
For my worst fear