You can't scare me
you can't make me fear
you can't make me shed a tear
you can't kill me
you can't hurt me
you can't see me
you can't feel me
you can't make me feel pain
nothing Can hurt me, not even the rain
the sun can't burn me, the water can't drown me
the knife can't cut me, the gun can't kill me
the drugs can't kill me, the poison can't do it's job
you can't scare me, the Devil can't scare me. Only one is out there who can make me feel pain, who can make me fear, make me tremble, only one who can kill. That is GOD. As for the rest
i give you one shot, better be your best, it won't help to stab me in chest. You can't kill me, hurt me, scare me, do anything to me because God is on my side.