Warning: Do not read if you are under 13!

by YEeEeE HaW   Jul 28, 2005

My poems are always very scary, Treacherous, and gross. Do not read if you are easily scared or have a weak stomach. I suggest if you are under 13, you do not read this.
Viewer discretion advised.

She was looking at printer
When it unprinted
To the farm of the weasels
It danced around the personal mail
Ate the stick
Sang a chicken finger
But when Martha laughed
Telephones "Egad!"
He sung a song
She sang bigly
A spelling bee spelled out loud
But Fred crawled instead
Sarah Finger-pudding jumped moon
country opera smells


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  • 18 years ago

    by Bonnie Rose

    I personally like your style. some make sence to me. some dont. but not eveyrhting ever makes sence lol. and ur really original, so i say keep writing and il defs keep checking ur work!

  • 18 years ago

    by YEeEeE HaW

    Hey retards u realize i write these poems for my great grand kids and they dont sleep becasue there so scarred i mean these poems are freaking scarry

  • 19 years ago

    by klav kalash

    whoa, sorry. I was just being pedantic, didn't mean to hurt you. Sorry.

  • 19 years ago

    by Iyla

    SHUT UP don't tlk to me. I never did anything to you so keep ur words to yourself and don't critisize me. I apologized to her, so leave me alone. people have said worse, so keep it to yourself from now on. you think you know everything but u have no idea.

    Yeehaw, on the disscusion board i apologized to you and i am truley sorry, something bad on the day i commented, happened, and i lost control, im sorry for wut i said, and i hope you forgive me.

    but i don't apreciate mr. tito saying thoose things to me, because he doesn't know me or nething about me. and he saying stupid stuff, but the thing is i don't understand why he's the one critisizing m words, when his aren't too crash hott either, and he needs to stay out of my business.

    sorry bout tht^^

    but yee haw i really am sorry, and i will never ever comment like that again, im truley sorry.


  • 19 years ago

    by klav kalash

    Dear God. It saddens me to see the human brain mutilated in such a way as all of yours, commenters. You're looking for some deeper meaning. THERE IS NO DEEPER MEANING!!! This site is full of people trying to be emotional and expressive, and failing miserably. YEeEeE HaW here is taking the piss.

    Keep suppressing those feelings, YEeEeE HaW.

    Oh, and to continue the chain of critisizing others' spelling and grammar, Gothic Angel, yours isn't too crash hot either.