
by Emma!!!   Jul 28, 2005

As she is slowly dying,
She writes her suicide note,
Saying how sorry she was,
To cause so much pain,
And hurt and tears,
That made you cry,
Slowly slit her wrists,
Seeing the bloody drop,
Onto the floor,
Wondering how long it will take,
As she started to leave her body,
She saw an angel,
That slowly cries,
Wishing she hadn’t,
Even slit her wrists,
A person walked in,
And saw her dying,
Rung the hospital,
To get her alive,
They where only just in time,
For she was drifting slowly away,
But then she got her second chance,
Of living her life.


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  • 19 years ago

    by sheena lor

    Aww..gurl this is sad...aww....hope you will find your love will ok....dont rush yourself....

  • 19 years ago

    by sheri

    i love this poem great job!!!