Forgotten sunshine,
Forgotten times.
In a heartbeat,
In the blink of an eye,
There was no melodies,
There was no rhymes.
Do we grow wiser with time?
Or was it in our youth when we are at our prime?
Before long...
The months turned into years,
My childhood was lost,
My youth was gone,
I was wiser and stronger,
But at what cost?
How did time fleet by?
Time was grains of sands,
The tighter my grip got,
The more time slipped by my fingers.
Have I lived a day in my life?
Would I call that living?
The forgotten sunshine that once shone on me,
Now the sky is dark and gray,
And the love that I had for her is unknown to thee.
Forgotten sunshine,
Forgotten times.
Murder and theft are the most terrible of crimes.
My heart was stolen,
Then it was crushed.
In the darkness of the night,
The whispers were hushed.
Where did my youth go?
What happened to my childhood?
Oh happy days of yore.
Time is fleeting it can not be stopped,
It can not slow down.
The changes are coming,
This much I know.
My heart will beat,
Forever will time flow.