Comments : An Inside Pain

  • 19 years ago

    by JJ

    Definitely the last question is your answer. Suicide doesn't solve anything. You may be gone but trust me, their is always somebody out there who cares about you, wether you know it or not.

    Stay strong, keep fighting!

  • 19 years ago

    by rachel

    wow sad bt truthful, reli emotional another great poem well dun :) xxxloadsa luv

  • 19 years ago

    by nobody

    Keep fighing. someone out there cares for you. we all, here do. even if we dont no you. your like another family!
    great poem

  • 19 years ago

    by Michelle


    I love you so much. Not in a bad way though. I mean, as a friend, and in many ways. I love you for who you are. I love each and everyone, but as I said before, I want people to respect me, be honest, love me for who I am, and just accept me, in general. I think everyone, including, you, wants to be loved so deeply. And, I can understand why. You've had a tough life. I don't want anything to happen to you, because finally, I've found I can trust you. I feel as if, since you've been there, I can understand in many ways, what you're going through. I know why you're doing what you do. I don't even have to ask. I know.... I know it's hard... I don't want you to ever give up on life. I think you have a lot more to live for. You're a great poet. Very intelligent. A great person. A great friend. I can see so many qualities within you, that..... I can see from just your writing. I know you are one of those people, like myself, trying to be a perfectionist, feeling guilty--maybe in many ways about life, and you want to "please others, make others happy," then you want to see happiness within yourself. I know you want to feel happy about life and so do I.... I know, it's difficult... I just know. I cannot say through words, how difficult, life can be, though, it's very hard to explain how life is difficult... It just is... It's like no words can explain it... Please don't ever take your life. It's not worth it. You mean much moe than that.... Again, I'm here to listen.

    Hugs,always, lots of love,
