Guys like you

by veronica   Jul 30, 2005

Guys like you hurt me so
You don’t want me for me
Just the booty

Make me think
About how many other guys are like you
And how many I trust

I have to be careful now
I have grown up
I am not little

Things were so much easier then
When ass wawasnt a problem
And guys saw you for you

Tears run down my face….
Every time I meet at guy like you
Because that’s the only kind I can seem to meet.

I want to get away and live
I want to be happy and joyful
But thoughts like this keep me this way

Fronts mean everything…
With out them
Life would be way to simple

Challenges are stupid and dumb
I am tired of games
Tired of being alone

Can I just find someone?
Someone I can count on
Someone who counts on me


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