
by kiesha   Jul 31, 2005

I confess I have a fetish for these things.
You might have heard of them, they're called earrings.

Dangly ones, chunky ones, beads or studs,
I buy them myself or get them from my buds.

Most of them are crazy, but I think they're cool.
I wear them everywhere, whether at church or at school.

They don't have to be expensive, I really don't care.
I'll go right in to Wal-Mart and get me a pair.

I wear them to prom, I wear them with jeans,
I'll wear them with anything by all means.

If I had enough money to waste, I'd buy earrings by the hour.
The only time I don't wear them is in bed or in the shower.

Heck, I even get creative and make them on my own.
But sometimes they break, and I let out a groan.

Wearing pretty things makes me proud to be a girl,
Because I certainly wouldn't wear earrings if I was a guy named Earl.

If you choose to make fun of me, I could care less.
I have my own unique collection and to me, they are the best!

*it's kind of dumb, I know, but hey, whatever inspires me, right?


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  • 18 years ago

    by The Lonely Rose

    Lol yea i guess! but this poem turned out pretty good though! hmmm mayb i should wear ears more often lol.. good poem!

  • 18 years ago

    by lost_laureate

    Its really funny...but I know what you mean earrings are really awesome. This has a funky rhyme....go you!

    [lostlaureate - come find me]

  • 19 years ago

    by cLumsy

    Dumb??? ahaha.. you got to be joking girl. i love earrings! i love your poem! please write more! and thanks for commenting on my poems a long time ago. i didn't thank you for that. so thanks! ;) 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Adinda

    Wow, this is really a really good poem, especciasly because it is about something normal, a thing you see everywhere around you but people never write about 'earrings'. (I'm a real freak of earrings by myself too)

  • 19 years ago

    by Truest Lies

    Hehe, I love earrings too, special long and chuncky ones that jingle when I move...Nice poem, it had great flow, and it was a very nice inspiration.

    Good Writing!