A Mother's Guidance

by Ashley Mullinax   Aug 1, 2005

To my daughter,
whom I love so,
it is with regret,
I have to go.

So with you,
I leave these words,
always stand tall,
let your voice be heard.

Never cower,
before anyone,
live freely,
always have fun.

Be not ungrateful,
of all you possess,
but happy,
for others have much less.

Learn to see beauty,
inside and out,
consult God above,
whenever in doubt.

Do not hate,
always care,
never be biased,
but always fair.

Do not get discouraged,
learn from your mistakes,
each day in life,
is another step we take.

Be merciful to the ill,
gracious to the kind,
be aware and wise,
of how you spend your time.

Do good to others,
even if they're mean,
sometimes kindness,
can be hard to see.

Never sell yourself,
don't bargain your soul,
it defines you,
makes you whole.

Take these words,
live and learn,
even though i'll be leaving,
while you're being born.


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