Broken Heights

by yungnova   Aug 1, 2005

I jump out the window,
without thoughts to return
I wont live my life,
getting things I don’t earn
I\'ve cheated my way,
through my whole life,
now I wonder these woods,
thinking what to do with this knife
Should I cut through my flesh,
and bring my life to an end,
or should I just turn my back on my future,
and leave behind my friend
I ask these questions, but I don’t know whom,
my shameful past will still torture me,
my shameful name will be carved on my tomb I do not regret,
the things that I’ve donvieeDonavonuvie causedo them again,
and from these facts I cant run
I want to see my blood,
I want to see my smile,
I still ask myself,
why I walk this lonely A handful of complaint,
pointing at all of you,
I don’t understand,
what makes your joy true
I\'m watching myself go crazy,
I know I’m turning insane,
I still don’t try to change,
I guess I’ll always be the same
Some people go outside,
and all they see are cars,
they don’t care whos driving,
twho\'ssssdon’t careHouston_This iHouHoustonety is bhistoricist no one gives a shit,
nobody wants to help,
all they do is moan and throw a fit
I’m crying on the inside,
and all these emotion trying to take me down,
The more I try to stop them,
the more I grow a frown
All this anger in my head,
I’m not sure if its even real,
I don’t know what’s fake right now,
I don’t know what to I’m blinded by the fog as I walked across the street,
I didn’t see the headlights comingdidwas hit dead of my feecccoming didumbness travels so fcoming didknow where,
I am so lost inside, and no one even cares


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