How in the hell can you blame me?
saying everything I do is wrong.
how can you say that I'm messed up?
when i have only your lead to follow?
what's wrong with me,
that's not wrong with you?
I've tried my hardest not to follow
so closely in your footsteps
but there's more of you in me every day.
i hate to look in the mirror anymore
because i see your face in mine
mocking me again- like always-
telling me that I'm good for nothing
and that i was a mistake
like it's be better if i were dead
there's no doubt that it's you
hiding behind my eyes- laughing
I've gotten to know that taunting,
all too well over the years
i can never get away from you
and i don't know i ever will
you're supposed to be my mother-
not my ultimate enemy & tormentor
you're the face in the mirror
that i see every time i look.