Outcast Teenager

by I WhoWhatNow   Aug 2, 2005

Gloomy, dark, depressing life
In shadows always hidden from light.
My grades are low, my teacher suck,
No one will help me when I'm stuck

Angry, yelling, controlling mom
Always saying something is wrong
She says I'm lazy, she says I'm dumb
She says she hates what I've become

Evil, hurtful, betraying friends
Their chilling criticism never ends
They will not listen and will not care
They don't want to know what I have to share

Never ending faults and flaws
My life is ruined and I'm the cause
I'm irresponsible and full of hate
I'm trapped inside a locked up crate

Normal happy other teens
They have not seen what I have seen
They laugh at me, they call me names
They think alike they're all the same

My ways of relief taken away from me
My story writing, my poetry
You all shall pay the price of life
And go to hell when it's time to die!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Crystal

    This is an amazing poem I love it, and I can relate to this poem a lot.

  • 19 years ago

    by JLT

    It's amazing. You're a great poet. I love it. So emotional and def. true lol. Keep up the good work sweets *hugs*


  • 19 years ago

    by Raven Roth

    Hey this was excellent. You remmember me? well keep it up.