Comments : An Unkind Life

  • 19 years ago

    by M MEM

    I really like this, especcially the ending. each two lines are just another problem making life eben more unbearable. very well written 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Spitfire

    I love that poem it awesome !!!!

    it so true for alot of poeple (including me!!)

  • 18 years ago

    by Michelle

    Not to hurt your feelings.... but; overall, I think I've liked this poem the best. Although, I'm on this one so far, and going to read the rest. I really enjoy every poem you've wrote. You sure do have lots of talent. And, I'm proud of you in many ways. Even though, you're a cutter, I think you're doing your best to cope. Even though, I cut myself as well. I understand it can be he**.... Please try not to cut yourself very much. I don't like to see people hurt, even myself, but sometimes, I feel like I need to cut. I am trying to stop, since, it can be very attaching in many ways. I will be here to listen. I am not trying to judge you, I'm not meaning to judge you, I just want to try to help... And, I think if we work together a team, we can find better options than cutting... Or, is that too much to ask? It sounds like you want to stop. Although, you're scared who may not understand or will judge you. Again, I'm not meaning to judge you in anyway, just wanna be hear to listen and help. No, I'm not going to call an ambulance or the police. I had this happen to me, when I was cutting, and it was very embarrassing. I will tell you more about that later... Anyway, you may email me anytime or Instant Message me.

    GREEEEEEAAAT poem!!!
    keep up the great work.

    Lots of love, hugs, always,
