U gat played

by »»»§§ÉXÝ_MÃ69«««®   Aug 2, 2005

You said you liked me
I didn\'t really care
ur personal information you did not have to share!

You constaltly accused me of things ur always mad at me
u think i like other man yea thats true n thats the only reason why
i wont let u in n pluse u want my cusin what the f^*k is wrong with u thats ur brothers gurl so since u cant have her u run to me but boy let me break it to u I DNT CARE
about u i gat a guy that i really like and his name is sam so boy
back the f**k off and kiss my ass
let me get to the point.....
Since now the fun is over
and the games have just begun

You tried so hard to get my heart but u didnt no how so gusse what im out u could call me a h-o-e u could hate on me ur just mad cause u cant have me or my cusin ur left all alone u didnt no how to play the game so u gat played u though u was my man but 3days ago u took me to my other date............
Just for the record you never would of gotten me from the start!!!!!!

to:nina n corn


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  • 19 years ago

    by |[ThUg AnGeL 4LyF]|

    Hay nice 1! s0o tr0o
    keep it up x0x

  • 19 years ago

    by Sweet Aroma

    I can relate to this on a serious level. I had a nicca who wanted my cousin, but he claimed not to. Holla @ cha girl

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