
by The Poetic Child   Aug 3, 2005

We have Bombs Bursting,
and kids starving and thirsting,
Marines risking life's,
missing there husbands or wifes,
Wifes having babies,
Husbands being home turn into maybes
staying double shifts,
and time drifts,
Men after Men,
Praying saying Amen,
That they would be OK,
praying every day,
The fact of Peace,
is starting to decease,
having hunger across the nation,
kids wanting salvation,
having a ration,
marines moving to the next station,

Marines Risking Life's,
to having Peace and come back to Wifes,
Little Kids take out a knife,
hoping they could strife,
to keep them from harm,
and we give out our arm,
The Band of Brothers,
Teenagers coming home to mothers,
Picking up a Rifle,
thinking its just trifle,
Waving Our Flags,
Wearing our Tags,
Never Forgetting The Men who died,
the children who Cried,
for those Men and Women to Tried,
and never once Hide,
For Us,
To Show there Trust,
as a American.....


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  • 19 years ago

    by FoundHim

    Very patriotic...i could pick any topic from the top of my head and you could prolly make a poem outta it you are just that good...great excellent job!...

  • 19 years ago

    by Mandy Lou

    there were just a few technical errors, but, you always spell like that! I liked it! I'm a patriotic person and this is great! Great job!