I Will Somehow

by JodiieBaybeh   Aug 3, 2005

I don't know why i cant do it
finally bring my life to an end
and go on to a better place
where theres no need for me to pretend

pretend that I'm happy
pretend I'm OK
fake smiles and laughs
each and everyday

I'm sick of having to lie
sick of pretending i care
sick of hiding the truth
about the scars i wear

you all think I'm happy
always up for a laugh
but its just a front
its all just a mask

inside i die over
from all of that days pain
...i have to wake up
and go through it again

mum and dad fighting
no real friends there
brother getting drunk
no one really cares

i don't care cause i don't feel
inside Ive died
for the only way to see that
is to look deep inside my eyes

i don't want to awake
don't want to face another day
but i cant bring myself to do it
ill have to live my life this way

things have always been this way
why should they change now?
someday ill bring myself to do it..
...but someday isn't now


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  • 19 years ago

    by Samantha Jayneee

    Someday ill bring myself to do it..
    ...but someday isn't now

    its really powerfull stuff jodie. thanks so much for you comments :) they mean alot...

    and i have a touch? lol your poems are amazing, i only hope things get better for you. sam xoxox

  • 19 years ago

    by Cynthia--Nasr

    Thats so sad..i can relate to it..i just added a new poem abt my ex..so it will mean alot if u comment on it

  • 19 years ago

    by Ashley

    I like your poem very much, good writing skills =)
    Check out some more of my poems too xx

  • 19 years ago

    by amelia

    Its lovely poem... keep up the good work !!

  • 19 years ago

    by Katrina Boblina

    Aw good job. I like this poem alot and you have great talent. keep it up!