Looking in the mirror,
Seeing only myself.
I see the evil and hatred,
Taking over my body.
Darkness is spreading,
Consuming my soul.
I see the sadness,
The evil wants to be unleashed.
Possessed by evil,
Plotting its escape.
Mirror mirror on the wall,
Am I only here to die.
It is your destiny it replies,
It opens itself through the mirror.
My own reflection,
Slices me with a blade.
I can’t help but smile,
At my own reflection.
I look at the blade,
My hand gripping it tight.
I sliced myself,
Not knowing why.
Why is this happening to me,
Why am I going crazy.
OmIgOsH bAbEs!...YoU dIdn'T rEaLlY dO tHaT dId YoU?
i HoPe NoT, cUz I rEgReT tHe CuTs I mAdE tHe OtHeR dAy...I DiD iT fOr My MoM, bUt It StIlL wAsN't A gOoD tHiNg To Do...NeWaYz 5/5 AnD i LoVe GeTtInG eMaIlS fRoM yOu!
Oh ANd I luFf YoU tOo BuDdI=)