They call her Green Eyes
She lights up there day
They say shes perfect
In her own way
They tell her shes pretty
And let her know it often
They tell her she makes them
Who they are..
They don't know she crys
And they don't know inside she dies
They don't see her tears
All they know is
shes fearless
Her fears chase her away
Away from her dreams
and away from this day
It takes over her life
Its not hers to live
Shes been Broken..
Shes been hurt
Shes been abused
Been kicked in the dirt
No one was there for her
No one helped her..
They all sat there and watched...
No one stuck up for her..
no one reached out there hand...
So here she sits crying in her room
Thinking of ways to leave them all
All the people who were there for her
Except when she needed them...
No one raised there hand
No one stopped her from being hurt...
There she'll lie
In that dirt...
People now walk by her..
Tell her shes changed..
They no longer call her green eyes..
Shes been renamed...
they walk past...
and mumble to them selfs..
"Theres Broken Green Eyes"
All by herself..