Suicide note, Prt 2 (Baby Poet)

by Laloser05   Aug 3, 2005

Don't you dare,
Say that you must die,
Nobody will care?
What a bloody lie!

Look, i am standing here,
Offered you a hand...
I shall always be right near,
Standing for your land!

Because i promise you,
If you even dare!
I will do it too,
Does that make you care?

Can you face the pain,
Of killing someone else?
I will threaten once again,
I don't care about my self!

So pull yourself upright,
Because heres my threat to you!
If you take your life to night,
I shall take mine too!

I shall take a knife,
And cut sharply into skin.
I shall take my life,
I do not care if its a sin!

You will destroy your soul,
You destroy mine too!
Mine was just made whole,
But again a spear you shall put through!

So here a promise to my friend,
If you take your life!
I shall cause my end,
I shall choose the knife!


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Nick who Plays Pool

    Very nice, I get the meaning of this. You're threatening someone (your friend) that if he kills himself, you'll kill yourself too. This can be interpreted into a lot of things like, someone you can't live with out, a love of yours that don't want to go, you know. Very nice though 5/5 :)

  • 19 years ago

    by nevergiveup

    Wow, that it really good, i love your poems :) xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by ratchild666

    Very good ^_^