Crimson Lyrics

by Strange Angel   Aug 3, 2005

The night’s velvety blanket fell,
Capturing me in my personal hell,
As I screamed with my silent voice,
I realised I had lost my choice,
And as the hours passed me by,
I felt my secret talent die.

No star-crossed lovers found each other,
The weeping child had lost its mother,
As fire fought ice, and heaven fought hell,
No wondrous stories I could tell.

Everything inside me screamed,
And ripped me from my writers dream,
But me and him, we’re a great pair,
We make the intricate ladder of despair,
A personal record, a memory on skin,
But I don’t lose sleep because of him.

And as the crimson lyrics ran,
Like oil in water, my thoughts began,
The art in words of poetry,
Seeped in through wounds, returned to me!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Navy Blue Heart

    LOVE IT!!!!! This is such a passionate and powerful poem. It's really inspirational and gives the reader a real sense of independence. The second stanza's my favourite.

  • 19 years ago

    by ~* gifted little fallen~*

    Brilliant wording, dark, captivating

    i love it 5/5


  • 19 years ago

    by Polly

    Wow, awesome.... really beautiful and touching.... keep it up and thanks for the comment
    (nice profile hehe)

  • 19 years ago

    by xEmmax

    Oh my gosh that was an incredible poem! such amazing descriptions and words, it was brilliant! 5/5,
    take care,

  • 19 years ago

    by Nathan

    I like this one a lot too. and I added you to my favorites as well.