Fred Smith (True Story)

by fred   Aug 3, 2005

Fred Smith

This is who I am,
I can’t help it.
I know how depressed I am,
And that I sometimes cut myself.
But this isn’t my fault,
I never wanted to be like this.
I didn’t ask to come into this world,
And I wish I never did.
They cause me pain,
They make me sad.
They lie to hide the truth,
They say that my poems are bad.
I was kicked out of home when I was 14,
I never could get along living with my mother.
My father is a drug addict,
She used to hit me.
Just like most his family,
My older sister was kicked out at 15.
I’m afraid of the future,
I’m alone in this world.
No more friends left,
Bullied at school.
For who I am,
I cry at night from all the pain.

By Fred Smith

*This is a true story about my life and whats happened in it*


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  • 19 years ago

    by carmen

    I liked yuor poem and i even cryed when i was reading your poem.i feel wat you where going threw,about how people thougt of you cause you was different from them

  • 19 years ago

    by Marjan

    oh Fred, that was really sad.
    I liked the way you wrote this poem.
    you express your thoughts wonderfully.
    keep writing poems.
    you seem really talented.
    wish you the best,

  • 19 years ago

    by CHOKE

    \/\/()\/\/...i WaNnA cRy NoW...i HaTe It WhEn YoU fEeL bAd HuN...iT mAkEs Me WaNnA cRy...I lUfF yOu AnD i DoN't LiKe ThE tHiNgS tHaT hAs HaPpEnEd To YoU...5/5...i'Ll AlWaYs Be HeRe FoR yOu, No MaTtEr WhAt=)

  • 19 years ago

    by ~Kady~

    What a horribly wonderful magnificent poem!!!! It was only horrible because I canNOT believe that happens to people around the globe like that! Wow, I like it, it actually made me cry it was so great! (sorry I sound...ah...weird!) Don't be afraid of the future! Be tough for the future! I know you may not believe but if you pray to God and cry for help to Him, He will help you! Put all your worries and problems on Him (and try not to figure out them for yourself) and He will help you! But yeah ANYWHO...sorry bout that! heh SO yeah if ya ever wanna talk (although I have probably scared you by now! hehe) here:
    Yeeup, WONDERFUL POEM! ^_^ V

  • 19 years ago

    by Stacie

    Hey I like this poem, ok I dont like how people feel like that, and get treated like that and stuff. I dont really know if this is a true poem. I dont comment on peoples poems unless they ask me too and I know you didnt ask me too but anyways, up to the part where you say that they say your poems are bad is how I feel, i lost some of my friends because I was too depressed and I supposedly "made them depressed" by being depressed. But I am somewhat over my ok enough with my lifes story.........i liked this poem, it was ..umm.........well interestingly depressingly good. lol well later !