Collapse of a simple incestual indecency

by mesolithic   Aug 5, 2005

Mind, breaths slipping,
blast explanation,
first progression,
destroy the simple,
mind collapse,
emotion relapse,
felt this way before,
returned in code,
like father like son...


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  • 19 years ago

    by jamie ellen

    Amzeing what more is there to say just amazing

  • 19 years ago

    by mesolithic

    wow! thanks, soo possitive, its great!

  • 19 years ago

    by Eponine

    All your poems bewilder me slightly! bit i think their all great!! this one got my attention especially i dont know why but it did, i think their all very gripping and seem to portray a lot of sudden emotion!! which gives them a great effect!!!
    Keep it up!!! i look forward to reading more of your work!!!