Something gentle

by mesolithic   Aug 5, 2005

Something gentle:

original prediction,
drone protection,
fragrance something dreary,
beauty lacked.

shocked outstanding,
empty resounding,
loner precipitation,
nonsense capacity.

frequent moral dismissal,
restraint lacked, required,
understanding gentle relapsing,
finger tip stimulation


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by mesolithic

    lol! thanks guys

  • 19 years ago

    by Spam

    wow... long words! not...good...for...brain...... NO!!!!

    oh sorry. i get carried away sometimes. :) uh what was i saying? oh yeh, like this too! allthough im not thouroughly sure what some of the words say, it still rhymes and i still like it! it's funky! nothing like mine!

  • 19 years ago

    by XxxlottiexxX

    well i must say some of ur poems confusse me slightly but i think they are great all the same loved this 1 in in particular!!!!!

    take care luv charlotte xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by mesolithic

    thank you