I've lost trust
Lost faith
Belief in myself has shattered
Withered away
It's all dust in the wind
Drifting away with the breeze
Clouds of doubt hide me from the rays of hope
A light drizzle dampens the foundation
In which I attempt to walk on
Making my journey to self-discovery
All the more difficult
Winds become harsher
Rains even harder
Drops smashing against me
As if trying to stop me in my place
I'm doused now with worry and regret
Looking to another for the answers I'm searching for
But as I stand here
Drenched and alone
I see that I am at my point
Either my breaking point
Or my point of success
Which though, I haven't figured out yet
My path is not yet complete
But in the distance, there is my kingdom
Along the way are more travesties
As I'm certain will be joined by some discoveries
But I'm in it alone
Alone for the long haul
And only I can push myself through
The heat of pressure
The cold of stress
Obstacles that stand in my way
And moments in which the only end to the trip
Is a dead end