Before im sent off
With the angels
I have my dreams
Like everyone else
Theres things i wanna see and wanna do
I want to sing on a stage
And have people notice me
I want to walk the red carpet
Have my picture in the newspaper
I want to find that one special person
Who i would spend my life with
I want to climp the highest mountain
Sit with someone and count the stars
I want to go in a hill in Poland
And watch the sunset
I want to fly
Soaring above the clouds
I want to make a difference in someones life
Put a smile on someones face
I want to travel the world
Go to every place i can
I want to go skinny dipping
In a freezing cold pond
I want to go bungy jumping
Bounce back in the sky
I want to go sky diving
See the world from up above
I want to live the life everyone dreams about
And when i die i want to be smiling
And be an angel helping someone elses dreams come true