The month of February

by Christopher Cole   Aug 7, 2005

In the month of February
My dear oh grandpa died
I was the last to see him
When I found out I cried

The morning of his death
I got up to get ready for school
I woke him up
Everything was cool

I went to school
To see what I could stir
When I got off the bus
My eyes soon turned to a blur

I saw one bad sign
That something was going on
I ran and ran and rushed and rushed
To get to my papa's home

I ran in the apartment
Only to see my family
My papa laying there where I last saw him
I thought how could this be

I busted into tears
Without a thought in my mind
I talked to Jesus for a moment
I said Jesus does it have to be his time

He was laying there all blue in the face
I had tears in my eyes
Everyone was around
There were many cries

The rescue squad had told us not to touch him
I couldn't stand there and let that happen
I walked to my grandpa and gave him a hug
I said grandpa this is your grandson

No answer was given
Not a sound from him
I couldn't believe what I had witnessed
A life so bright turned dim

With blood stained on his face
I wandered what it was that killed him
We soon found out he overdosed on prescription drugs
God I hate them

That month of February was pure hell
With no fun or enjoyment
He gave our family so much
and I will never forget it

Grandpa if your listening
Our family is here to do what you want us to do
There is one more thing I want to say
Grandpa I love you


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  • 19 years ago

    by AnAstAciA

    WoW!!!! I swear to God tears filled my eyes Your Are Amazing Keep it going like this gread job!!!! (Sorry for your loss) If you want to talk to somebody pls do sent me an e-mail don't hesitate:)
    Love AnAstAciA
    Take Care

  • 19 years ago

    by Syn

    Very good. i give you a five. im sotty about your grandpa:-(

  • 19 years ago

    by xX-jess-Xx

    Aw thts so sad, but really sweet as well! i love ur writing. jesxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Sheila

    Your poem was great...this is only the second one i have read and by reading them i already know u really are good at writing should try and publish them or something because you really are good..

  • 19 years ago

    by Livvie

    that was a really great poem.