Never Once

by Alissa   Aug 8, 2005

I never knew what it was like to always have someone there
Someone you could cry to and would always care
Put a blanket on me when I was cold at night
If anyone talked negative about me you wouldn't hesitate to fight
Rubbed my head at night to help me fall asleep
Help me bury myself out when I got myself in to deep
Gave me advice on anything at all
Always gave me band-aids when I would hurt my knee and fall
Telling me I am amazing every step I take
For me I know they would put their life at stake
Getting down on myself but them always lifting me up
Never quit on me and never once thought to give up
Making sure I have a sweatshirt to keep me warm
The person I am now they helped form
Drove to pick me up no matter how far away
Telling me they love me every single day
Helps keep my head up when I'm looking down
Always there to hug away my hurtful frightened frown
Telling me I am beautiful and flawless all the time
When I was dark and shadowed they would always see the shine
I would be lost and never find my ways
If you mom weren't there to guide me all these days


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  • 19 years ago

    by JJ

    nice tribute to a mother...I too would be lost without mine. *tears* I'm usually not emotional but for some reason reading this poem makes me want to cry...

  • 19 years ago

    by Strange Angel

    Gorgeous poem! i loved it, it's wonderful to read this, and it makes me realise how much my mum does for me, and how much i love her too!
    keep up the good work!