Comments : Blue

  • 19 years ago

    by Sabine Taylor

    Cool poem, I like the structure of it very much and the lot of adjectives you used to described the colour and the mood made me think about it a bit. The lines " Slips like a breath of wind,
    like the scent of snow," and "a gentle kiss...
    and the sweet, mild, bland............
    calm of death." are my fave ones, because I like the metaphors you build up and then the turning from love, so the kiss, to the dark and emotionless calm death.
    Great write ~ very unique, keep it up

    Bye, Sabine

    *Please, read some work of mine and comment and vote, too.
    Thank you a lot.

  • 19 years ago

    by dylyshus~(^_*)~

    that is why i my color is blue...teehee...yep kewl

  • 19 years ago

    by Justin

    Wow great poem, it was really good, 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Drew Gold

    I loved this,.. such an ethereal feeling captured.. calm death certainly sums up the whole poem it seems, blue being the primary emotion.. i loved the advancements u made so subtlety.. i can totally envision all of this so vividly. i wish i could tell u theres anything wrong, but if there is, i havent found it.. thanx for the comment on danse macabre and an explanation was put if you'd like to check it out again,.. 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Melissa

    What an original idea for a poem! A fantastic write!