For You My Love.

by Rakesh   Aug 8, 2005

This is dedicated to my Love Adla,
That I might not get her does not perturb me, for the little time
that I spent with her has been the best TIME of my life.

You are like the breeze heralding the approach of sweet Spring,
into the long dreary winter of my barren life.
You are like the bloom of the brightest flower at early dawn,
in the Autumn-gripped wasteland of my mind.
You are like the guiding light up in my horizon,
so fixed, so unmoved and so forever-mine.
You are like the fruition of my greatest desires and my fairest dreams,
you epitomize all that I long for, all that I desire.
You are like that Force into which I immerse myself,forget and loose myself,
to emerge rejuvenated, revitalized and amazed by the magnitude of your Love.
You are like the tide of my Life, that decides all my ebbs and flows,
you dictate all my desires,longings,pleasures joys and grief.

You are like the beautiful divine dusk in early-January,
when all of life is bathed in serene sunlight perforating through the shrouding mist.
You are like the short days of the shortest month,
when the world shakes-off the wintry coat; and expectations and desires of better times ahead reign supreme.
You are like that day in February when lovers redeem their pledges,
when they place all their trust and faith in each other and vow to unite for eternity.
You are the like the beautiful sights, pleasant sounds and intoxicating aromas of pretty March,
when the world is infused with fresh-blood and Mother Nature conspires with Lady Spring to bless the world.
You are like the gentle April night with clear skies and a hint of summer in the blowing breeze,
when the full Moon in all her angelic beauty and grace is dazzled and astounded by her reflection in the idyllic waters below.
You are like my mid-summer dream in a May siesta,
when I realize that you are an Angel - an Angel sent down just for me.
You are like the tranquil balmy mid-day in mid-June,
spent amidst the the far-spreading boughs of a majestic banyan tree.
You are like the first rains in July,after an oppressing summer, the first drops on a parched land,
when even the tiniest blade of grass blooms in appreciation and the rainbow amidst all the glory bridges the Heavens to the earth.
You are like the drenching noon on an August day,
when the symphony of raindrops orchestrated with thundery claps and lightning streaks assume magical proportions.
You are like the day in late-September,when Nature though bare is an expression of colors,
when you teach me the virtue of Patience, the lesson of Hope and the joy of loosing to gain many-fold.
You are like the romantic evening in late-October with a gently darkening clear-sky,
when something in the air, mysterious and inexplicable but powerful and charming makes my desire for you unbearable.
You are like that time of November when Winter though in its infancy bears promise of attaining a sublime form ahead,
when I desire to bury you in my arms, to embrace you to hold you so tight that we merge into the mythical Flame of Love.
You are like the chilling December dawn when none but one vagrant ray of light has illuminated the earth,
when each flake of falling snow teasingly disperses the ray of light into a multitude of colors - the Kaleidoscope of Heaven.
You are like the festivities and celebrations of late-December,
when all the world, united, revel in the Joys of Life and the Love of the Lord.

You are that gift of God to me,
after getting which I desire for nothing more in this short life of mine.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Cindy

    This is such a beautiful tribute to the one you love. Excellent job!

  • 19 years ago


    that was great ! awesome1
    i loved reading it. very true feelings
    keep it up

  • 19 years ago

    by Rakesh

    Thanx guys for all ur comments..specially for taking the time to read a pretty long poem :)
    Thanks again.

  • 19 years ago

    by nandini

    What a lovely poem.......just simply gr88. Although took a lot of time to read but was worth it. thanks for ur comments. tc and write more

  • 19 years ago

    by chavii

    Amazing !!