The Angel Of Death

by fred   Aug 10, 2005

The Angel Of Death

She spoke to me,
Whispering into my ear.
Told me of my future,
And of my death.
She said I was the cause,
Of the balance being out of place.
She said she once fought for good,
Helping god’s children.
Then she had visions of the future,
And the death of everyone.
She saw him killing,
All of god’s children.
Then he came before her,
And asked her to be his angel.
So she became the angel of death,
Sending people to their graves.
Killing them for him,
She told me I would be spared.
If I changed over to the dark,
Helping her doing his biddings.
She said that was my destiny,
She knew inside I didn’t want to die.
I knew I would die if I said no,
And that another would be chosen.

By Fred Smith


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  • 19 years ago

    by RainbowDemon RogueDoll

    Teehee LOVES IT!! that was rreaalllly good. mwaaa

  • 19 years ago

    by Momentary Relapse

    Awesome write. Very nice. I thought it was done extremely well. A very great word choice that was very compelling. Excellent job.

  • 19 years ago

    by Solace

    Very deep. loved it. 5/5 nothing less. You're an amazing poet never stop writing. xx:

    *> : PainOfOne

  • 19 years ago

    by ScarletHaze

    good job xox

  • 19 years ago

    by CHOKE

    AwEsOmE pOeM!
    i'M sOrRy I haVeN't WrItTeN a NeW pOeM nOr HaVe I tAlKeD tO yOu In A wHilE...sChOoL wOrK hAs KePt Me A lIl BuSy....NeWaYz 5/5 ThIs Is TrUlY aN aMaZiNg PiEcE oF wOrK!