Comments : NOT A POEM

  • 19 years ago

    by Iolana

    I say forget about him
    If he wanted to call you, he would
    If he wanted to see you he'd find a way
    If he really loved you he'd show it
    You may love him but he is hurting you more then he is helping. What kinda guy(if he loved you) would get because you want to be with you? It hurts, I know it does. My boyfriend just broke up with me yesterday... But this guy is a loser, get rid of him. You can do way better and find someone who feels the same for you.
    Just my opinion :)

  • 19 years ago

    by krystal

    wow what a jerk if he really liked you like he has said he does then he would have made it posable to talk to you / and see you but if he doesnt then its his loss i know you and you dont dersive a guy like that at all i love you and you need to know that this guy is using you to fill his time but just what i think love ya hun ~krystal~

  • 19 years ago

    by Polly

    I think you know what you should do. if he's that great and if he really loves you i think he would called or somehow got in touch. i hope everything works out for you
    Polly ~X~

  • 19 years ago

    by foreverISgone

    Hey i think he does love you i mean why else would he asked you back out i understand that he doesnt call u all that much or at all but there must be something in his head telling him how much he loves you or it could be just what the others said he could just be doing this for laughs and giggles..hope u get this sorted out

  • 19 years ago

    by foreverISgone

    Hey no i dont have AIM but i have msn..and if u dont have that then do u have an email that i could email u on? mine is just hope everything can be solved because I'm excatly in the same postion (well not really) but me and my gal just broke up about a month ago and she said just forget about me dont talk to but its really hard when she impacted my life the way she did...sorry to blab just hope everything is alright ttyl

  • 19 years ago

    by Amy

    Hay thanx and yer i'm now going out with Daniel and his 23 and i think i love him but i don't know

  • 18 years ago

    by krystal

    Hey hunni i know i havent talked to you in for ever if you want to you can e-mail me if you remember what it is i love you and miss you talk to you later ~Krystal~